now a days people are making business in the name of GOD.even all the temples have become places of commercialisation mainly thinking of making money.that is why i would like to redefine the concept of GOD.from the begining man is striving hard to find the origin of life, in so doing he wanted to know the causes for all that he is experiencing around him using the concept of cause and effect.in so doing for all the effects for which he could not know the cause he attributed all of them to an hypothetical figure created by him and named it as GOD .best examples are with out knowing that pressure gradient  cations of GOD ascausing winds he created VAYUDEVA as the GOD responsible for it similarly the GOD  BRAMHA for births ,GOD YAMA for deaths ,GODDESS SARASWATI for intelligence and education, GODDES LAKSHMI for wealth and prosperity and so on similarly almost all GODS came into existence.
    history says that man also was living like a beast in the early stages and from that stage we became to the present stage which is mainly due to the inventions by many people ,i consider them all as manifestations of GOD  as no one can see the GOD directly.but al l of us believe that GODis responsible for all this.
               i feel that human MIND is the place of birth of GOD and GOD lives in our minds only and not in the statues in the temples. if we think some thing to be GOD it actually becomes GOD  that is why i feel that every thing is GOD and any thing can be GOD.one important ting is that it is very difficult to define MIND and human mind is omni potent.
          the best example for the word every thing is GOD  in almost all the villages people worship rocks and trees and are getting all the benifits of their prayers that is why i say that GOD lives in our minds but not elsewhere as we are thinking of statues in the temples,because unless we feel in our minds the statues as GOD we can never realise the benifits of our prayers.
